Kamdhenu Cow


As per the Puranic tales, Kamdhenu Cow was one of the 14 gems that were received when the gods and demons churned the oceans. When placed in the appropriate Zone, the Kamdhenu Cow converts the energy responsible for contemplation, worry and inner conflict into productive and fruitful action and assists you in fulfilling your wishes..


As per the Puranic tales, Kamdhenu Cow was one of the 14 gems that were received when the gods and demons churned the oceans. When placed in the appropriate Zone, the Kamdhenu Cow converts the energy responsible for contemplation, worry and inner conflict into productive and fruitful action and assists you in fulfilling your wishes.

Metal Brass
Direction ESE
Zonal energy
Enables one to benefit from social systems and politics
Placement Wall
Facing WNW
Planet Venus
Element Fire and space


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